The Playfair Statistics Team

Playfair Statistics is a community of researchers, analysts and programmers from a variety of professional backgrounds dedicated to the dissemination and application of reliable data. Our team is composed of full-time members supported by a network of contributors and associates.

Our Members


D’Arcy Springate-Floch

Director, Data Analyst

Specializations: Census data, dashboards, mapping

Background: Political Economy


Caroline Dufour

Data Analyst

Specializations: Survey data, translation, VBA, R

Background: Political Science


Chad Ashman

Microsoft Specialist

Specializations: Microsoft Office, Azure, Power BI

Background: Microsoft support, IT


Josh Fleising

Data Analyst

Specializations: International data, research

Background: Journalism


Jenna Ashman

Publication Specialist

Specializations: Design, Microsoft Word, Adobe

Background: Publications